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Step into Christmas with secure data protection

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When the Christmas songs start playing on the radio and major brands unveil their yearly holiday commercials, businesses across the globe begin the countdown to the festive holiday. Most companies in the B2B sector use this time to take a much-needed break, leaving the office behind for a week to spend quality time with family and friends, and indulge a little. But how do you get your business ready for this period? How do you make sure your business remains secure while you and your team are out enjoying yourselves? Here are a few steps to ensure you can relax and enjoy the holiday.

With your staff, and most importantly IT provider, out of the office for the week -  that means hackers and other cyber criminals can attempt to get into your system and relieve you of sensitive data. But how can this be avoided? Simple, the cloud. Whether we realise it or not, we all use the cloud to manage vital parts of our everyday lives. Online banking, sending emails and browsing social media are all examples of this. So why isn't your business following in the same direction?  Recent years have demonstrated the necessity for agile, secure, and future-ready systems, and the cloud offers exactly that.

This is why we have introduced inspHire Cloud Hosting; to give rental companies of all sizes the power, flexibility and security they need. We can deliver you a full suite of IT services designed and maintained by the experts. It is regularly updated and delivers expert-level IT support at a significantly reduced cost.

But how does this tie in with data protection? Well, one key benefit of cloud computing is its enhanced security. Since your data is stored in the cloud, it remains accessible regardless of what happens to your device or on-premise server. You also have the ability to erase data from lost laptops remotely, preventing unauthorised access and offering greater flexibility and control over your information. In addition to this, since hosting isn't dependent on just one server, it can be effortlessly expanded to accommodate your rental business needs. Therefore, as your system expands, the cloud enables you to access limitless resources. 

Who better than your rental management solution provider? Our dedicated team of software experts understand the best configuration and performance for your inspHire system, making them the ideal choice to supply and manage the necessary IT environment. Unfortunately, there has been an increase of companies relying on third-party suppliers or attempting to handle their infrastructure on their own without the necessary resource of knowledge. This can lead to technical issues or your system shutting down altogether due to being outdated, resulting in downtime and an impact on your bottom line.

Embrace the holiday season with peace of mind by allowing inspHire to oversee your entire cloud experience, ensuring you enjoy the freedom and security the cloud offers to you and your business. Make an enquiry by clicking here. ☁️

Transition to the cloud


Categories: Thought Leadership