The KCS Rental Division is made up of many different departments and key teams who drive the customer experience for inspHire users. One integral part of this service is our Helpdesk team, and two people who keep the cogs turning from a service delivery perspective is Ken Hughes, Service Delivery Director, and Sean Duryea, Helpdesk Manager.
Over the past year, inspHire began implementing a global programme to improve our customer service and support. How and why? We have invested in new dedicated resources and technologies into this department, as well as new collateral and simplified processes to accommodate our customers. Simply put, the end-goal is to provide full transparency to our customers, while delivering the best possible service. With a combination of 20+ years in IT service delivery and 10+ years at the forefront of inspHire's support team, both Ken and Sean have been working hard on the rollout of the inspHire Continual Improvement Programme. Read the full interview to learn about the latest developments, as well as get to know our team members!